Wellness Coach Certification Renewal
NETA’s Wellness Coach Specialty Certification is valid for two years from the date of issue. To renew your certification, you must complete twenty (20) continuing education credits (CECs) between the date your certification was issued and the designated expiration date. At least six (6) of the 20 CECs must be obtained through NETA workshops or NETA home study courses.
Renew OnlineCertification Renewal Procedure
To ensure you maintain your certification in good standing, please complete your Renewal Online or mail your completed Renewal Application, documentation of CECs earned, and renewal fee two months prior to your expiration date. Send all of the renewal information in one packet. Never send forms singularly. If your mailing address has changed, then please call NETA at 1 (800) 237-6242 to update your customer record.
Reinstatement Grace Period
Certificants are provided with an automatic 180-day reinstatement grace period if the certificate is allowed to lapse past the designated renewal date. A late renewal fee applies during the reinstatement grace period (see below). Please note, the official status of the certificate is “expired” during this grace period. If the certificate is not reinstated by the end of the 180-day grace period, then you must retake and pass the certification exam to regain the credential.
Accepted CECs/CEUs
NETA automatically accepts CECs/CEUs that are NETA, ACE, NASM, or AFAA approved. NETA converts and accepts CECs/CEUs as follows:
- 0.10 ACE CEC is equivalent to 1.0 NETA CEC
- 0.10 NASM CEU is equivalent to 1.0 NETA CEC
- 1.0 AFAA CEU is equivalent to 1.0 NETA CEC
Coursework or continuing education activities that have not be pre-approved for NETA, ACE, AFAA, or NASM CECs/CEUs may be petitioned for possible NETA CECs. To do so, submit a completed CE Petition Application along with appropriate supporting documentation and the petition application fee.